Last Will and Testament of William Herbert
{Montgomery County, Virginia WB B]
In the name of God, amen. I, William Herbert, of the County of Fincastle in the Colony of Virginia,
being sick of body but perfect of mind and memory, do make, constitute and appoint this my Last Will and Testament in manner
and form following, viz, Imprimis. First of all I resign my Soule to God who first gave it to me and my Body
to be decently buried by those whom I appoint Executors of this my last Will and Testament. Next, I do hereby
give and bequeath to my well beloved wife, Sarah, during her natural life, the whole of my Plantation whereon I do now live,
commonly known by the name of Poplar Camp. Likewise, four Negroes, Slaves, by the name of Tom and his wife, Jenny, Bailey
and his wife little Jude, and the Inglish Mare named Clarey, and a young Roan Mare known by the name of her mare.
Next, I do hereby give and bequeath to my eldest son, William, the Plantation lying on the Banks
of Reed Island whereon Joseph Barron Jr. is now living, and another Plantation on the said Creek known by the name of James
Bottom and another Plantation on a Branch of said Creek known by the name of Reed Island and Spring. Likewise another Plantation
on the head of the said Creek known by the name of the big Meadows or Tom Reah's Cabin, Likewise another Plantation known
by the name of the Round Meadow or Henry Goat's place upon a branch of Wolf Creek in the Glades, Likewise my Inglish Stallion
known by the name of Ranter and a Mare known by the name of the Roan Mare, Likewise four Negroes ,viz, Kelly s and his wife,
Jude, with their Increase from and after this time, Bristol and his wife Nann with their Increase, and after the death of
his mother I do likewise give him Poplar Camp.
Next I do hereby give and bequeath to my youngest son, Thomas, my Plantation known by the name of
Bingaman Bottom and likewise another Plantation known by the name of Forbuses and another Plantation known by the name of
Paxton s Place, likewise another Plantation known by the name of Red Bank Meadows on Meadow Creek, likewise, another Plantation
whereon Josiah Hamilton doth now life, if it can be obtained, and likewise three Negroes Prince, Grace and London, being the
children of little Jude and what children likewise she may have hereafter, likewise the Young Stallion Colt now at the Inglish
mares foot and a young Yearling filley of the said Inglis mare. Next, I do hereby give and bequeath to my eldest
daughter, Martha, three Negroes, viz, Anthony, Luke and Dofha and likewise a filley known by the name of the Roan Mare filley
and a horse colt known by the name of the young mares colt.
Next, I do hereby give and Bequeath to my youngest daughter, Joanna, three Negroes, viz, Bett, Swansey
and young Tom and what children Jenny may have hereafter to be divided Betwixt her and her sister Martha.
Likewise the Bald faced Black mare and her two year old filley And all and every of the rest of my moveable Estate
if it shall be found necessary so much shall be Sould out to defray my Just debts and funeral Expenses the Stock at Clinch
Excepted, the remainder of my moveable Estate after my debts and funeral Expenses is paid to be divided into three Equal parts,
one part for to be given to my wife, the other two parts to be equally divided amongst my four children; my wife to have the
use of the whole Stock and Negroes til my children shall separately come of age or marry, for to defray the charges of their
schooling, boarding and clothing.
Nevertheless if my father and mother who are now living with me shall not choose to live along with my wife as and
along with the rest of my or her family I do hereby give them the place over the River for and during their natural lives
and four cows and calves and two working horses to be taken out of my home stocks and three hundred pound weight of ? Yearly
and to have three Ewes and one Ram delivered to them and at their deaths the place to go and their stock to be divided as
above;and as for my Stock at Clinch which is to be divided according to articles made and Concluded on for that purpose, next
spring shall still if possible be put out, that is all the ? kind on Share for the benefit of the children and all the
He kind to be Sold for the said purpose; likewise, my father and mother to have what Corn shall be sufficient for them for
the first year if they shall see cause to live by themselves, and as for what money is now laying and now due to me from a
certain Mr. Ogburn, Iron Monger in West Street without Lawfull Gate, Bristol in Old Ingland, as soon as possible it can be
got shall be layed out or put to the best Use that shall be thought proper for the use of my two daughters to be given to
them as they marry or come of age, and as for my Plantation on Clinch.
I do also give to my Eldest son, William, and further more I do hereby constitute and appoint John Montgomery
Senr. and Walter Crockett both of this County Executors of this my last will and Testament, and I do further more revoak and
make void all former will or wills by me made and do hereby make and acknowledge this to be my only last will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty Eighth day of May, In the year of Our Lord One Thousand
Seven Hundred and seventy-six.
William Herbert
John Jenkins (x)
Signed, Sealed and Acknowledged by the John Brummet said William Herbert as his last will Wm.
Medding and Testament in Presence of us
At a court held for Fincastle county Sept. 3, 1776 this will was proved by the oaths of John Jenkins
and John Brumet of the Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. John Byrd